Hello Friends,
2 months back I was looking for a string saved in database from my application. Suddenly I found that the string value was not saved in expected SQL table. However the application-logs had no logs for any error raised by insert query.
I was surprised and wondering where the hell my string value stored in database of approx. 15 GB of size and approx. 108 tables.
Finally to help myself, I prepared a TSQL script that helps me to find a varchar-value among any table from a database. Later I extended the same script to support seeking multiple databases.
You just need to specify @Text_To_Search, @DBname and a flag - @Single_DB_Only to indicate whether to seek in single database OR all databases on the sql-server.
SET NOCOUNT OFF GO declare @Text_To_Search nvarchar(max) declare @TableName nvarchar(max) declare @ColName nvarchar(max) declare @CMD nvarchar(max) declare @DBname nvarchar(max) declare @Single_DB_Only bit set @Text_To_Search = 'SOMETHING' -- Enter the Text here which you want to search set @Single_DB_Only = 1 -- If @Single_DB_Only = 0 then the search will be in only one database if @Single_DB_Only = 1 set @DBname = 'MY_DATABASE' -- Enter Database Name in which you want to search /* ********************** Validation ********************** */ IF @Single_DB_Only = 1 AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT name FROM [master].[sys].[databases] WHERE name = @DBname) BEGIN PRINT 'Please enter valid database name' RAISERROR('Please enter valid database name', 20, -1) WITH LOG END /*-- ********************** Validation ********************** */ if exists(select * from [master].[dbo].sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and [Name] = 'MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES') drop table [master].[dbo].MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES create table [master].[dbo].MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES (TableName nvarchar(max), ColName nvarchar(max)) if exists(select * from [master].[dbo].sysobjects where xtype = 'U' and Name = 'MY_INFO') drop table [master].[dbo].MY_INFO create table [master].[dbo].MY_INFO (DBName nvarchar(max), TableName nvarchar(max), ColName nvarchar(max), FieldValue nvarchar(max)) if @Single_DB_Only = 0 Begin declare CUR_DB cursor for select name from [master].[sys].[databases] where name not in('master','tempdb', 'model','msdb','tempdb') and state = '0' open CUR_DB fetch next from CUR_DB into @DBname while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin print @DBNAME set @CMD = 'insert into [master].[dbo].MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES (TableName, ColName) select T1.Name as TableName , T0.Name as ColName from [{3}].sys.syscolumns T0 inner join [{3}].sys.sysobjects T1 on T0.id = T1.id where T1.xtype = ''U'' and T0.Name not like ''MY_TABLES%'' ' set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{3}',@DBname) -- print @CMD exec (@CMD) declare CUR cursor for select TableName , ColName from [master].[dbo].MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES open CUR fetch next from CUR into @TableName, @ColName while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin set @CMD = 'insert into [master].[dbo].MY_INFO (DBName,TableName,ColName,FieldValue) select ''{3}'',''{1}'',''{0}'', cast({0} as nvarchar) from [{3}].dbo.{1} where {0} like ''%{2}%'' ' set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{0}',@ColName) set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{1}',@TableName) set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{2}',@Text_To_Search) set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{3}',@DBname) -- print @CMD exec (@CMD) fetch next from CUR into @TableName, @ColName End close CUR deallocate CUR fetch next from CUR_DB into @DBname End close CUR_DB deallocate CUR_DB End Else Begin print @DBNAME set @CMD = 'insert into [master].[dbo].MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES (TableName, ColName) select T1.Name as TableName , T0.Name as ColName from [{3}].sys.syscolumns T0 inner join [{3}].sys.sysobjects T1 on T0.id = T1.id where T1.xtype = ''U'' and T0.Name not like ''MY_TABLES%'' ' set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{3}',@DBname) -- print @CMD exec (@CMD) declare CUR cursor for select TableName , ColName from [master].[dbo].MY_INFO_ALL_TABLES open CUR fetch next from CUR into @TableName, @ColName while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 Begin set @CMD = 'insert into [master].[dbo].MY_INFO (DBName,TableName,ColName,FieldValue) select ''{3}'',''{1}'',''{0}'', cast({0} as nvarchar) from [{3}].dbo.{1} where {0} like ''%{2}%'' ' set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{0}',@ColName) set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{1}',@TableName) set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{2}',@Text_To_Search) set @CMD = replace(@CMD,'{3}',@DBname) -- print @CMD exec (@CMD) fetch next from CUR into @TableName, @ColName End close CUR deallocate CUR fetch next from CUR_DB into @DBname End select * from [master].[dbo].MY_INFO GO
Hope this TSQL script can save a lot time of yours,
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